Lotta Borg Skoglund

Publications, current affairs and what's in the pipeline


Adolescent Cancer & Parental Medication

Losing a child to adolescent cancer: A register-based cohort study of psychotropic medication use in bereaved parents

We sought to investigate the risk of needing psychotropic medication in parents who lost a child to cancer and found that they had a higher prevalence of use of psychotropic medication. Medication use decreased with time, but still at 5 years after the child's death, mothers used more, while fathers were no different from non-bereaved fathers after 2 years.

Published: 2022-10-11

Cancer Medicine,  volume 12, issue 15, pages 6148-6160 (Mar 2023)

Co-authors: Emma Hovén, Lisa Ljungman, Josefin Sveen, Charlotte Skoglund, Gustaf Ljungman, Rickard Ljung and Anna Wikman