Scientific publications 2020-2021 Abortion & Contraceptives Research At surgical abortion, sociodemographic and psychiatric risk factors for recurrent unwanted pregnancy increased the provision of long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC). However, we show that improved access and tailored counseling could lead to an… Published: 2021-11-10 Youths & Illicit Drugs Research In this study we explored motives for using or abstaining from substances among students in affluent areas as well as their attitudes to, and suggestions for, substance use prevention. Our results show the importance of parental involvement,… Published: 2021-11-07 Anorectal Malformations & ADHD Research In this nationwide register study, we show that children with anorectal malformations have a higher risk of ADHD and autism spectrum disorders than controls. Published: 2021-09-17 Homeschooling & COVID-19 Research Qualitative In this multicenter European study, we examined parental experiences of homeschooling during the COVID-19 pandemic in families with or without a child with a mental health condition and concluded that adverse effects of homeschooling may have a long-term… Published: 2021-01-07 Preterm Birth & ADHD Research Epidemiology We show that women with ADHD, compared to controls, had an increased risk of preterm and very (<32 weeks) preterm births, for both spontaneous and medically indicated onsets. Published: 2020-07-21 Pregnancy & Antidepressants Research In this study we show that women with a greater burden of pre-pregnancy psychiatric illness are more likely to re-initiate their antidepressant treatment during pregnancy. Clinicians may consider both risks and benefits of discontinuing antidepressants… Published: 2020-07-06 Adolescent Cancer & Mental Health Research Cancer during adolescence is associated with increased risk of mental health problems that may develop in close proximity to treatment. Our findings emphasize the need for comprehensive care during treatment and follow-up of survivors. Published: 2020-07-03 Digitalization of Reduced Substance Use Research Qualitative Cost-effective and easily disseminated interventions targeting adolescent substance use are warranted, and we test the effectiveness of a fully automated digital brief intervention aimed at reducing alcohol and substance use in adolescents and young… Published: 2020-05-12