Lotta Borg Skoglund

Swedish MD, PhD, author, keynote speaker specialized in ADHD


ADDitude Webinar

Webinar: The Emotional Lives of Girls with ADHD

Tantrums, meltdowns, self-harm. These are some of the manifestations of emotional dysregulation in girls with ADHD.

Published: 2024-01-23

The Emotional Lives of Girls with ADHD

029 Svvithovtröm

During adolescence, the brain and body undergo radical changes that are often associated with stress, depression, and anxiety. Some girls with ADHD begin to struggle academically and socially at school during puberty.

Many girls with ADHD say they feel different, like they don’t fit in. They put a great deal of effort into masking, while they internalize anxiety and depression. Big emotions can feel overwhelming and hard to control. Without proper support, teen girls can spiral into a rabbit hole of inner turmoil and self-doubt.

It’s important for caregivers, educators, and others to understand the special challenges facing girls with ADHD, from fluctuating hormones to social expectations.

What will you learn?

019 Grön Hjärna 1

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How ADHD brains are wired differently
  • How emotional dysregulation affects ADHD symptoms
  • How hormonal shifts affect mood and worsen ADHD symptoms in girls
  • Mood disorders and other symptoms associated with PMS
  • The consequences of untreated ADHD, often due to clinicians who don’t understand that girls present differently
  • Tools and strategies to enhance understanding and navigating the roller coaster ride of female ADHD

Watch the webinar here:

Empowerment from self-awareness!